
Tripwire Black Hat 2016 Survey: IoT Risks and Cyber War | Tripwire

In-brief: attendees at the recent Black Hat Briefings are concerned about the risks posed by IoT devices, but lack confidence that their employer is properly tracking IoT devices, a survey from Tripwire reveals. 

Study: Security Warnings Ignored Because of Bad Timing

In-brief: Up to 90 percent of users ignore security alerts and other warnings that appear while they’re busy performing other tasks, research from Google and Brigham Young University.

Enterprises Lack Awareness of Internet of Things Devices

In-brief: Internet of Things devices are making their way onto enterprise networks, though technology professionals entrusted with managing those networks often do not realize it, a new survey finds.

Security Pros give IoT Devices Poor Marks

In-brief: Security professionals think your chances of owning a secure Internet of Things devices are 50-50 – at best, according to a new survey by the firm IOActive.

Cisco Study: Disruptive Tech Could Drive Retail Bank Die Off

In-brief: A study by Cisco Systems found that innovation will drive a major shakeup in the retail banking sector, with concerns about cyber security a major roadblock to innovation.