
Senators’ Letter Demands Answers from Detroit on Security

  In-brief: In a letter to leading automakers, Senators Edward Markey and Richard Blumenthal have requested more information on security protections in late model vehicles, citing recent demonstrations of wireless hacks.

SCOTUS FISA Ruling A Tool To Disenfranchise Data Theft Victims?

In-brief: a 2013 ruling by the Supreme Court that limited the right of Amnesty International to sue the government for damages caused by the actions of the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court is being used by Home Depot to question consumers’ right to sue for damages related to a massive theft of credit cards from that company in 2014. 


Wire Transfer Scam Shows Assertiveness Works with Phishing, Too

In-brief: Websense has uncovered a phishing scam that uses “urgent” e-mails from executives to fool employees into wiring money overseas. 

IoT Hackers: The FTC Wants You!

In-brief: The Federal Trade Commission announced this week that it is creating a new Office of Technology Research and Investigation to expand the FTC’s research into areas such as privacy, data security, connected cars, smart homes, algorithmic transparency, emerging payment methods, big data, and the Internet of Things.

In Smart TV Land, Eavesdropping is Nothing New

In-brief: Samsung isn’t alone in asking customers to consent to the collection and transmission of “voice data.” But questions about the ethics and legality of the practice remain.