
Focus on Privacy Hobbles Security at Healthcare Orgs

In-brief: Healthcare organizations are woefully prepared to defend against cyber attacks that could affect patient health due, in part, to a narrow focus on protecting patient health information. 

FDA: Medical Device Makers Urged To Secure Post Market Devices from Cyber Attack

  In-brief: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Friday issued new guidelines, calling on medical device makers to do a better job addressing cyber security vulnerabilities and exploits as part of their management of deployed medical devices. 

How the Internet of Things Got Hacked | WIRED

In-brief: Wired’s Kim Zetter and Andy Greenberg teamed up this week on a little look-back at 2015 with a focus on security and Internet of Things.

Network Segmentation in the Age of the IoT

In-brief: Segmentation is a well established approach to securing your data and IT assets. But have you assessed your approach to segmentation in light of new technologies and business models? Scott Harrell of Cisco’s Security Business Group, writes with some pointers on adapting segmentation to the demands of the Internet of Things. 

Could hackers break my heart via my pacemaker? – BBC News

In-brief: A BBC article profiles an information security expert who finds herself the bearer of an implanted pacemaker, raising issues about the risks and benefits of new, connected health devices.