Spotlight Podcast: RSA CTO Zulfikar Ramzan on confronting Digital Transformation’s Dark Side

In this Spotlight Edition of the podcast we’re speaking with RSA Security* Chief Technology Officer Zulfikar Ramzan about how his company is adapting to help its customers confront the dark side of digital transformation initiatives: increased digital risk, including from cloud, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.

More than three decades ago, RSA Security was one of the original entrants in a market that we now know as “information security.” The company, which was formed to help commercialize the revolutionary RSA public key encryption technology became a pioneer in areas like data security, identity management and – later- fraud detection. 

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Three decades later, the information security landscape is a crowded place, while the security demands on companies are compounded by what is often referred to as “digital transformation”: an embrace of disruptive technologies like cloud computing, machine learning, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. 

Three Decades On: RSA Labs Sets Course for Future

Where does that leave RSA? The company’s President, Rohit Ghai, has likened digital transformation to climate change: a large scale transformation that creates both opportunities and challenges. Like climate change brought about by the burning of fossil fuels, digital transformation brought about by developments like machine learning, cloud computing and the Internet of Things demands new approaches to problems like cyber risk, and an “all hands on deck” approach.

In this conversation, recorded at the recent RSA Charge Conference in Orlando Florida, I speak with Zulfikar Ramzan of RSA about how RSA is gearing up to help companies manage the digital risk that goes along with digital transformation.

Zulfikar Ramzan RSA
Zulfikar Ramzan is the Chief Technology Officer at RSA.

RSA Labs: cloud, microservices, mobility shift terrain for security providers

In this conversation, Zulfikar and I talk about the conundrum that organizations find themselves in: unable to ignore or pass on digital transformation initiatives, but unsure about the digital risks that digital transformation initiatives may introduce to their business. 

To start out I asked Zulfikar to talk about the interplay between digital transformation and digital risk and whether companies pursuing digital transformation initiatives are attuned to the risk implications of those initiatives. 

Check out our full conversation above!

(*) Disclosure: This podcast and blog post were sponsored by RSA Security for more information on how Security Ledger works with its sponsors and sponsored content on Security Ledger, check out our About Security Ledger page on sponsorships and sponsor relations.

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