Tag: Internet of Things

Cancelled Talk DEF CON

A Digital Lock Maker Tried To Squash A DEF CON Talk. It Happened Anyway. Here’s Why.

Keyless lock maker Digilock withdrew a cease and desist order and allowed a DEF CON talk on security flaws in its devices to move forward. Other device makers should take note!

Precision Ag

At Nebraska Event, FBI Calls Out Cyber Threats To Agriculture

The FBI will host an event exploring agricultural cyber risks in Omaha, Nebraska amid growing concerns of cyber attacks on US agriculture as farms embrace precision agriculture.

Industrial equipment

Spotlight Podcast: OT Is Under Attack. Now What?

Chris Walcutt, the CSO at DirectDefense talks about the rapidly changing threat landscape that critical infrastructure owners and operators inhabit, and how savvy firms are managing OT cyber risks.

aerial view of a substation

Spotlight Podcast: CSO Chris Walcutt on Managing 3rd Party OT Risk

In this Spotlight Podcast, host Paul Roberts talks with Chris Walcutt, the CSO of DirectDefense about the rising cyber threats facing operational technology (OT) and how organizations that manage OT – including critical infrastructure owners can best manage increased cyber risks to OT environments.

Robot Vacuum Liberation

Episode 254: Dennis Giese’s Revolutionary Robot Vacuum Liberation Movement

Security researcher and IoT hacker Dennis Giese talks about his mission to liberate robot vacuums from the control of their manufacturers, letting owners tinker with their own devices and – importantly – control the data they collect about our most intimate surroundings.