smart city

VNC Roulette Feasts On Insecure Industrial Control Systems

In-brief: VNC Roulette is just the latest warning shot across the bows of industrial firms and the public sector: parading screen shots of remotely accessible but insecure SCADA systems for all to see. 

Internet of Things Looms Large in National Intelligence Assessment

In-brief: the consequences of innovation and increased reliance on information technology, including the Internet of Things, pose serious challenges to the nation’s cyber defenses and the intelligence community’s “operational tradecraft,” said DNI James Clapper in a report to Congress. 

Google Driverless Car

Self-Driving Cars Will Be Ready Before Our Laws Are – IEEE Spectrum

In-brief: Autonomous driving technology is likely to outstrip laws governing driverless cars, an article in IEEE Spectrum argues.

Opinion: Identity a Key to Securing the Smart City

In-brief: as the vision of smart cities becomes reality, so does the next generation of cyber-physical security threats. What can be done to ensure the security of smart, connected cities, and the citizens who work and live there? Ashley Stevenson of ForgeRock weighs in.

Video: Ross Anderson on the Internet of Bad Things

In-brief: Ross Anderson of Cambridge University discusses the privacy and security risks of The Internet of Things at the Virus Bulletin Conference. Problems we already confront – such as ATM and mobile device security – may presage more widespread attacks on the IoT.