biomedical devices

Survey Sounds More Alarms on Internet of Things in the Enterprise

In-brief: A survey of customer networks by the firm zScaler found that cameras, printers, video recorders and other devices are common – and often easy to snoop on and attack. 

home automate and smart home devices

We Need Smart Public Policy for the Internet of Things | IEEE Spectrum

In-brief: is regulation the right approach to securing The Internet of Things or can industry clean up its own act? IEEE Spectrum takes a look. 

Podcast: Security of Things Forum Redux – Key Takeaways in 7 Short Minutes

We just wrapped up our annual Security of Things Forums in Cambridge and this year, for the first time, in Washington D.C. The events were a great opportunity to assemble some of the top experts in the security of connected devices as well as the policy and business implications of IoT adoption and deployment. Security Ledger’s co-hosts at the Forum, Christian Science Monitor Passcode, have put together a great podcast that features interviews with key participants at the event, including Robert Silvers, assistant secretary of Homeland Security; Julian Goldman of Partners Healthcare; independent hacker Travis Goodspeed; Kevin Fu of Virta Labs; and Rajesh Krishnan, chief marketing officer at HackerOne. The podcast is hosted by Passcode reporter Jack Detsch. Check it out!

FCC Wary of Security Mandates for Internet of Things | Morning Consult

In-brief: Despite urging from lawmakers on Capitol Hill, the FCC is wary of changing rules to give ISPs a freer hand in cutting off access for infected Internet of Things devices, according to a report.

DMCA Exemptions will Boost IoT Security Research

In-brief: After a year in limbo, the Librarian of Congress moved last week to allow a number of exceptions to the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) that will clear the way for researchers to explore smart vehicles and other products.