FBI’s Advice on Ransomware? Just Pay The Ransom.

In-brief: The nation’s top law enforcement agency is warning companies that they may not be able to get their data back from cyber criminals who use Cryptolocker, Cryptowall and other malware without paying a ransom.  

Internet of Tattoos? NIST Workshop Plumbs Body Art Algorithms

In-brief: One in five adults in the U.S. sport body art, making tattoos a useful tool for identifying both criminals and their victims. A NIST workshop explored ways to use AI to better identify and catalog tatts. 

FBI Affidavit Alleges Researcher Hacked Planes In Flight

In-brief: Did security researcher Chris Roberts attempt to tamper with in-flight systems during a United Airlines flight from Denver to Chicago in April? An FBI affidavit says “yes,” Roberts says “no way.” 

Update: Hacker on a Plane: FBI Seizes Researcher’s Gear

In-brief: The FBI seized equipment from noted security researcher Chris Roberts on Wednesday, alleging that Roberts may have tampered with the systems aboard a United flight to Chicago. Roberts denies the claim. 

With Executive Order, Cyber Criminals Join Terrorists, Traffickers on Sanctions List

In-brief: An Executive Order signed by President Obama on Wednesday will clear the way for cyber criminals to face the same sanctions as terrorist groups, illegal arms dealers and drug traffickers. One expert called the Order “momentous.”