Internet of Things Looms Large in National Intelligence Assessment

In-brief: the consequences of innovation and increased reliance on information technology, including the Internet of Things, pose serious challenges to the nation’s cyber defenses and the intelligence community’s “operational tradecraft,” said DNI James Clapper in a report to Congress. 

Obama Proposes Federal CISO, Huge InfoSec Boost

  In-brief: President Barack Obama highlighted cyber security as a top policy priority in the final budget proposal of his presidency, seeking a massive expansion in funding for federal information security and the creation of a new federal chief information security officer (CISO).

With Internet of Things, FBI In No Danger of Going Dark

In-brief: A report from a leading legal think tank argues that the spread of the Internet of Things will provide ample opportunities for law enforcement and intelligence agencies to spy on citizens, despite more widespread use of encryption.

Senators Probe Government’s History with Ransomware

In-brief: Two U.S. Senators are requesting information about the government’s experience with ransomware – asking whether Uncle Sam has paid ransoms to get data back.

Firm: Two iOS Exploits Could Qualify for $1 Million Bounty

In-brief: One team qualified for the $1 million bounty for a working, remote exploit or jailbreak for devices running Apples iOS 9 operating system, according to the security firm Zerodium. A second may also qualify for at least a partial bounty. However, Apple may only be informed of the holes at a later date.