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Risk Recordings Podcast with RSA: Exploring Digital Risk in Digital Transformation

In a new* podcast series, Risk Recordings with RSA, we dig into the many ways that digital transformation is changing and magnifying digital risk. We also go into the trenches: speaking with IT executives and experts at the forefront of securing digital transformation initiatives.

The raging COVID 19 pandemic seems certain to upend economies in the coming months, with some experts predicting a 1930s-style depression resulting from the almost simultaneous cessation in economic activity as countries struggle to contain the new Corona virus.

Despite that, one meta trend that is likely to continue – and even accelerate – amidst a scrambled operating environment is digital transformation. Indeed: the sudden shift to remote work necessitated by social distancing and outright quarantines seems likely to accelerate many elements of digital transformation including adoption of cloud-based computing and mobility as well as increasing reliance on digital workflows and automation. Global pandemics like COVID-19 also have a way of shaking up entrenched thinking. That could open the door to disruptive firms with a new approach to old problems.

Check out Spotlight Podcast: How DU Telecom manages Digital Transformation Risk

And, as we have noted, digital transformation also introduces new risks and amplifies old ones, including digital risks. As organizations and industries lean into digital transformation, they also have to change their thinking and approach to the digital risks it introduces…or suffer the consequences.

What does digital transformation look like on the ground, today? And what are cutting edge organizations doing to manage the digital risk that accompanies digital transformation initiatives? That was a question Security Ledger and RSA set out to answer.

Check out: Spotlight Podcast: RSA President Rohit Ghai: Digital Transformation is magnifying Enterprise Risk

The result is Risk Recordings, a podcast series that Security Ledger and RSA jointly produced. I’m joined on this by my co-host and longtime friend Peter Beardmore (@pbeardmore) of RSA.

In our pilot episode, which you can listen to above, Peter and I talk about the “why” of risk recordings and how digital risk is fast spreading across industries as digital transformation initiatives take hold.

We’ll be publishing links to the other five episodes over the coming days, but you don’t need to wait. The full series is available on your favorite podcast platform including iTunes, Stitcher and more. 

(*) Disclosure: This podcast and blog post were sponsored by RSA Security for more information on how Security Ledger works with its sponsors and sponsored content on Security Ledger, check out our About Security Ledger page on sponsorships and sponsor relations.

As always,  you can check our full conversation in our latest Security Ledger podcast at Blubrry. You can also listen to it on iTunes and check us out on SoundCloudStitcherRadio Public and more. Also: if you enjoy this podcast, consider signing up to receive it in your email. Just point your web browser to securityledger.com/subscribe to get notified whenever a new podcast is posted.