Tag: supply chain

What SolarWinds Tells Us About Securing the Software Development Supply Chain

The recent SolarWinds attack highlights an Achilles heel for enterprises: software updates for critical enterprise applications. Digital signing of code is one solution, but organizations need to modernize their code signing processes to prioritize security and integrity and align with DevOps best practices, writes Brian Trzupek the Senior Vice President of Products at DigiCert in this thought leadership article.

Want To Prevent Another SolarWinds? Start With Developers

An all-star roundtable of security experts tackles the question of how to prevent another SolarWinds.

Episode 204: Josh Corman of CISA on securing the Vaccine Supply Chain

Joshua Corman, the Chief Strategist for Healthcare and COVID on CISA’s COVID Task Force, joins us to talk about the myriad of cyber threats facing healthcare and the vaccine distribution system and how the federal government is working to counter them.

Episode 201: Bug Hunting with Sick Codes

The work of vulnerability research has changed a lot in the last two decades. In this episode, Security Ledger Podcast host Paul Roberts chats with the independent researcher known as “Sick Codes” about the growing risk of open source supply chain hacks, his method for bug hunting and what projects are in the pipeline for 2021.

Episode 172: Securing the Election Supply Chain

In this episode of the podcast (#172), Jennifer Bisceglie, the founder and CEO of Interos to talk about the links between America’s voting infrastructure and countries with a history of trying to subvert democracy.