Tag: open source software

Bitcoin cryptocurrency

Malicious Python Packages Target Crypto Wallet Recovery Passwords

A newly discovered campaign pushing malicious open source software packages is designed to steal mnemonic phrases used to recover lost or destroyed crypto wallets, according to a report by ReversingLabs.

Source Code Secret

GitGuardian’s HasMySecretLeaked Is HaveIBeenPwned for DevOps

Amid a spike in attacks on software supply chains, GitGuardian launched HasMySecretLeaked.com, a site that allows developers and appsec teams to search for exposed secrets.

LofyGang Art

Supply Chain Hackers LofyGang Behind Hundreds of Malicious Packages

Researchers at Checkmarx say that a cybercriminal group, LofyGang, has targeted the open-source supply chain with hundreds of malicious packages to steal credit card information, stream accounts, and promote hacking tools.