Tag: hardware

As Election Threats Mount, Voting Machine Hacks are a Distraction

Beating up on direct record electronic (DRE) voting machines has been popular sport in security circles for more than a decade. But is it a distraction from other, more present and dangerous threats to the integrity of elections? A growing body of evidence says “yes.”

As Right to Repair Effort Falters, Massachusetts moves to study Impact

After failing to move a bill to enshrine a right to repair consumer electronics to a vote, the state lawmakers in Massachusetts are pushing to study the economic impact of right to repair legislation.

Breaking the Ice on DICE: scaling secure Internet of Things Identities

In this Spotlight Podcast, sponsored by Trusted Computing Group*, Dennis Mattoon of Microsoft Research gives us the low-down on DICE: the Device Identifier Composition Engine Architectures, which provides a means of  solving a range of security and identity problems on low cost, low power IoT endpoints. Among them: establishing strong device identity, doing device attestation and safe deployment at scale and verifying software updates. 

home automate and smart home devices

Expert says: Hack your Smart Home to Secure It

Smart home security starts at home, according to researcher Michael Sverdlin who says that consumers should explore the security of their smart home technology and consider simple modifications or hacks to remove insecure or promiscuous features.

Container ships easy to hack, track, send off course and even sink, security experts say

Modern container ships already face a number of serious perils at sea. Now new research from Pen Test Partners shows just how vulnerable these ships are to new dangers from hacking–including being steered off course and sunk–thanks to their use of always-on satellite communications and general lax security practices on board.