Tag: critical infrastructure

Podcast Episode 117: Insurance Industry Confronts Silent Cyber Risk, Converged Threats

In this episode of the podcast (#117), we go deep on one of the hottest sectors around: cyber insurance. In the first segment, we talk with Thomas Harvey of the firm RMS about the problem of “silent cyber” risk to insurers and how better modeling of cyber incidents is helping to address that threat. In part II, we invite Chip Block of the firm Evolver back into the studio to talk about the challenge that “converged” cyber physical systems pose to insurance carriers as they try to wrap their arms around their exposure to cyber risk. Editor’s note: as an experiment this week, we’re posting each interview as a separate download, to see if that makes it easier for listeners to jump to the content they’re most interested in. Use the comments section or Twitter (@securityledger) to let us know what you think or whether you prefer the single download! 

Spotlight Podcast: At 15 Cybersecurity Awareness Month Grows with Cyber Risk

In this Spotlight Podcast, sponsored by RSA: October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. But what does that mean in an era when concerns about cybersecurity permeate every facet of our personal and professional lives? Russ Schrader of the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCSA) and Angel Grant of RSA join us to discuss the history of Cybersecurity Awareness Month and how the event is changing to meet growing demand. 

Bloomberg Chip Cover

Podcast Episode 115: Joe Grand on Unicorn Spotting and Bloomberg’s Supply Chain Story

In this week’s episode (#115), noted hardware enthusiast and hacker Joe Grand (aka “Kingpin”) told reporters from Bloomberg that finding an in-the-wild supply chain hack implanting malicious hardware on motherboards was akin to witnessing “a unicorn jumping over a rainbow.” They went with their story about just such an attack anyway. Joe joins us in the Security Ledger studios to talk about whether Bloomberg got it right. Also, Adam Meyers of Crowdstrike comes into the studio to talk about the U.S. Department of Justice indictment of seven Russian nationals. Adam talks about the hacks behind the charges and what comes next.

Ross Rustici Cybereason

In Boston Exercise, Election Hackers Bypass Voting Machines

At an exercise in Boston that imagined a cyber attack designed to disrupt an important election in a “swing state,” voting machines were not an issue. 

Electronic voting machines.

Opinion: The Corporate Lessons of Election Hacks

Recent demonstrations of election hacks are about more than ballots. They also contain important lessons for enterprises,  Security Ledger Editor in Chief Paul Roberts argues in this opinion piece. (Note: this post first appeared on Hitachi Systems Security* web site.)