In-brief: A British researcher who became a hero after he stopped the WannaCry ransomware from spreading globally has been apprehended in Nevada and charged with distributing the Kronos banking trojan in the U.S. between July 2014 and July 2015.
Tag: Black Hat
At BlackHat: Hell is Other People’s Machine Learning
In-brief: Machine learning is all the rage in the information security industry. But a study by Endgame and University of Virginia suggests that it may be vulnerable to manipulation by sophisticated AI-driven tools.
Will Machine Learning and AI create Infosec Super Humans?
In-brief:will computers and artificial intelligence “kill the infosec star” (to paraphrase The Buggles) with algorithms taking the place of workers who buy food, houses, cars and clothing? Maybe not, says Dario Forte of DF Labs in this Security Ledger podcast.
Tripwire Black Hat 2016 Survey: IoT Risks and Cyber War | Tripwire
In-brief: attendees at the recent Black Hat Briefings are concerned about the risks posed by IoT devices, but lack confidence that their employer is properly tracking IoT devices, a survey from Tripwire reveals.
Podcast: Black Hat, DEF CON and building Secure Devices
In-brief: Paul Roberts talks with Marc Blackmer of Cisco Systems about the recent Black Hat and DEF CON conferences, as well as a proposal Cisco is working on a for a new, open standard for connecting use policies to intelligent devices.