Tag: banking

Security Ledger Live: Interview with Lance James of Flashpoint

In-brief: in our inaugural Security Ledger Live, we speak with Lance James, the Chief Scientist at the firm Flashpoint about ransomware, the care and feeding of security talent and the news of the week. 

20 top US hotels hit by fresh malware attacks | ZDNet

In-brief:  Twenty US hotels operated by HEI Hotel & Resorts on behalf of Starwood, Marriott, Hyatt and Intercontinental are the victims of a hack focused on point of sale systems, media reports say. 

Brexit: A Cybersecurity Perspective | ABI Research

In-brief: The UK’s decision to leave the EU will have vast implications in the area of information security: from the standing of laws governing cyber crime and e-commerce to the decisions made by information security and technology firms that use the UK as their base for EU Operations, according to an analysis by ABI Research. 

Cisco Study: Disruptive Tech Could Drive Retail Bank Die Off

In-brief: A study by Cisco Systems found that innovation will drive a major shakeup in the retail banking sector, with concerns about cyber security a major roadblock to innovation.

Banks Scrutinize SWIFT Following Electronic Heists

In-brief: U.S. banking giant JP Morgan Chase is limiting employees’ access to the SWIFT  messaging service, the latest response to a string of attacks on the critical, interbank service.