In-brief: In what may be a first, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Safety Communication regarding vulnerabilities in a drug infusion pump by the firm Hospira.
Surgical Robots The Latest To Fall To Whitehats
In-brief: Researchers from the University of Washington demonstrated attacks against “a slew” of exploitable vulnerabilities in a surgical robot they helped develop. They included attacks that could cause “jerky motion of robot’s arms” or render the surgical robot “motionless” and “almost unusable.”
Verizon: Internet of Things Hacks Pose Little Risk – For Now
In-brief: Verizon said in its latest Data Breach Investigations Report that threats from Internet of Things technologies were more theory than practice in 2014, but that 2015 could see IoT devices play a role in breaches.
Drug Pumps Vulnerable to trivial Hacks, DHS warns
In-brief: The Department of Homeland Security warned that drug infusion pump management software sold by Hospira contains serious and exploitable vulnerabilities that could be used to remotely take control of the devices.
Is Google’s Rowhammer the Future of IoT Attacks?
In-brief: Infoworld’s Roger Grimes makes the case that Google’s recent Rowhammer exploit may be a sign of things to come as attackers look for common platforms to attack the Internet of Things.