
pharma data breach

Security Teams Lean Into AI As Cyber Worker Shortage Persists

Cybersecurity teams are turning to artificial intelligence to cover a gap in skilled cyber talent, a report from Code42 finds.


Spotlight: Securing the Great Resignation with Code 42

Mark Wojtasiak, the Vice President of Security Industry research at Code42 joins us to talk about how companies can handle the security risks that accompany the COVID-inspired “great resignation” in corporate America.

Opinion: With Internet of Things, Devices become Insider Threat

Connected devices aren’t just fodder for botnets. They increasingly act as malicious “insiders” capable of spying on their surroundings and providing valuable intelligence on homes and offices, argues Yotam Gutman of the firm Securithings in this industry perspective. 

A breakdown of data breaches by country from Gemalto's Breach Level Index.

Report: 1.9b Records Lost in First Half of 2017, topping 2016

A survey of public data breaches has found a large increase in the number of records that have been stolen, lost or compromised in the first six months of 2017. The firm Gemalto said that the number of records caught up in breaches jumped 164% from the second half of 2016 and the first half 2017 to almost 2 billion lost records. That is more than the total number of records lost in all of 2016.  Gemalto said its latest data from the company’s Breach Level Index, a global database of public data breaches, indicates 918 data breaches led to 1.9 billion data records being compromised worldwide in the first half of 2017. Most of the leaked records came from just 22 large data breaches, each involving more than one million compromised records, the company said. How many records? Nobody knows. Even more worrying: of the 918 data breaches, the […]

Report: Hacking Crews are all APT now

  In-brief:The tactics of cyber criminal hacking crews are indistinguishable from those of sophisticated, state sponsored “advanced persistent threat” groups, the firm FireEye said in its most recent M-Trends report.