A researcher is warning that photos and video files shared in Signal chats may be hanging around on devices, even when they deleted the messages in which the images were shared.
Episode 219: LGBTQ+Cyber – A Pride Month Conversation On Being Queer In Infosec
In this week’s episode of the podcast (#219) we speak with four cybersecurity professionals about what it means to be Queer in the industry: their various paths to the information security community, finding support among their peers and the work still left to do to make information security inclusive. All in honor of Pride Month, 2021.
Pro-Brexit Camp Wages Active ‘Fake News’ Twitter Campaign
Suspicious activity on Twitter is trying to sway public opinion in favor of Brexit as the United Kingdom continues its struggle to reach a deal to withdraw from the European Union, according to a new report.
Episode 124: The Twitter Accounts Pushing French Protests. Also: social engineering the Software Supply Chain
In this week’s podcast (#124): we speak with French security researcher Baptiste Robert about research on the social media accounts pushing the french “Yellow Vest” protests. Surprise, surprise: they’re not french. Also: Brian Fox of the firm Sonatype joins us to talk about the recent compromise of the Github event-stream project and why social engineering poses a real risk to the security of the software supply chain.
Research: Russian Disinformation Campaigns Target African Americans
Russian misinformation campaigns have been targeting African Americans in a number of ways to create division between left and right political agendas, create racial division and discord, and even suppress Black voter turnout, new research has found.