software development

Google Unveils OSS-Fuzz to test Open Source Software Security

In-brief: Google’s security team on Thursday announced the release of a new tool, OSS-Fuzz that it says will improve the security of the Internet by providing realtime, automated secruity testing of common open source components.

Developers Gorge on Open Source Amid Worries About Quality, Security

In-brief: The use of open source software is exploding, but concerns about code quality and security in the open source supply chain persist, according to a report from the firm Sonatype. 

Report: Feds Mull Bug Bounty Contest for Medical Devices

In-brief: Following the success of the Hack the Pentagon bug bounty program, officials at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services are considering launching a similar program aimed at medical devices and other healthcare systems. 

Attacks or No, Security Firms Race to Connected Vehicle Market

In-brief: Security giant Symantec’s foray into automotive security is just the latest sign that the connected car market is the new frontier for cyber security firms. But a dearth of attacks and long development cycles may slow progress.

With Internet of Things, FBI In No Danger of Going Dark

In-brief: A report from a leading legal think tank argues that the spread of the Internet of Things will provide ample opportunities for law enforcement and intelligence agencies to spy on citizens, despite more widespread use of encryption.