Tag: Mobile

Voice Assistants

EFF Seeks Right to Jailbreak Alexa, Voice Assistants

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is asking the Library of Congress to give owners of voice assistant devices like Amazon’s Echo, Google Home and other voice assistants the right to “jailbreak” the devices: freeing them from content control features designed to prevent users from running unauthorized code on those platforms. 

iPhone disassembled

Smartphone Users Tracked Even with GPS, WiFi Turned Off

A team of researchers from Princeton has demonstrated that they can track the location of smartphone users even when location services like GPS and WiFi are turned off.

Strava Flyby

Privacy Meltdown: Strava tricked into Revealing Soldiers’ Names

Days after Strava fitness heatmaps were shown to reveal the location of military bases, a Norwegian journalist  fooled Strava into revealing the names of some of soldiers and other personnel on those bases. 

Lasers Eyed as Way Forward for Quantum Encryption of Data, Cryptocurrencies

Researchers at the University of Southern California have developed a technology called a frequency comb that could pave the way for quantum-encryption technologies to be used to protect mobile data and digital currencies.

SinVR Homepage

Adult Themed Virtual Reality App spills Names, Emails of Thousands

Thousands of users of an adult virtual reality application risk having their personal information, including names and email addresses exposed, according to researchers in the UK.