Tag: jobs

Two Moscows

That Other Moscow: Sketchy LinkedIn Job Posts Mix US, Russian Locales

Bogus LinkedIn job postings for leading US organizations, including the US Army, the State of Florida and defense contractor General Dynamics, are popping up for Russian locales like St. Petersburg and Moscow, the firm Evolver has found. Is it AI-Gone-Wild, or is something more nefarious afoot? 

Internet of Things to Increase Shortage of Security Professionals

The tech publication eWeek has an interesting interview with Sujata Ramamoorthy, the director for global information security for Cisco’s Threat Response, Intelligence, and Development (TRIAD) group about the impact of Internet of Things technology on the (already painful) shortage of IT security workers. According to Ramamoorthy, adoption of Internet of Things technologies and platforms will exacerbate the IT security worker shortage.  “These trends are what are fueling the need for additional security skills in the industry, and because the networks themselves are getting more complex, the applications communicating over them are getting more complex,” she told eWeek reporter Rob Lemos. The increasing complexity  of information infrastructure in IoT deployments, an explosion in the number of connected endpoints and a corresponding lack of visibility into cloud services all make the shortage of corporate security experts more critical, Ramamoorthy said. Already there is an estimated 1 million information-security staff and manager shortage globally, according […]