Second Pod Channel

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.

Episode 174: GE’s Very Bad Day – Unpacking the MDHex Vulnerabilities

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security warned of critical vulnerabilities in a range of products by GE. We speak with Elad Luz, the head of research at CyberMDX, which discovered the holes.

Soleimani Funeral Procession

Episode 173: Iran’s Cyber Payback for Soleimani Killing may have a Long Fuse

As it weighs further response to the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani, Iran is almost certain to consider the use of cyber attacks. We talk with Levi Gundert at the firm Recorded Future about what cyber “payback” from Tehran might look like.

DEF CON vote machine hacking

Episode 172: Securing the Election Supply Chain

In this episode of the podcast (#172), Jennifer Bisceglie, the founder and CEO of Interos to talk about the links between America’s voting infrastructure and countries with a history of trying to subvert democracy.

Hacker Image

Spotlight Podcast: Building Resilience into the IoT with Rob Spiger

In this Spotlight edition of the Security Ledger Podcast, sponsored by Trusted Computing Group*: we’re joined by Rob Spiger, a principal security strategist at Microsoft and co-chair of the cyber resilient technologies working group at Trusted Computing Group. Rob talks to us about efforts to make more resilient connected devices and how the advent of the Internet of Things is changing TCG’s approach to building cyber resilient systems.

Watergate Plumbers

Episode 171: Stopping the 21st Century’s Plumbers – Defending Digital Campaigns from Hackers

In this week’s episode of the podcast (#171): as voters go to the polls in the UK and primaries loom here in the U.S., we sit down with Michael Kaiser, the CEO of a new group: Defending Digital Campaigns and Joel Wallenstrom, the CEO of secure collaboration platform Wickr to discuss efforts to extend an information security lifeline to political campaigns in an era of epidemic campaign hacking and online disinformation.