In-brief: President Barack Obama highlighted cyber security as a top policy priority in the final budget proposal of his presidency, seeking a massive expansion in funding for federal information security and the creation of a new federal chief information security officer (CISO).
Obama Administration
With Internet of Things, FBI In No Danger of Going Dark
In-brief: A report from a leading legal think tank argues that the spread of the Internet of Things will provide ample opportunities for law enforcement and intelligence agencies to spy on citizens, despite more widespread use of encryption.
Fed CIO’s Security Sprint Ends with Long To-Do List
In-brief: In a 21-page memorandum posted on the White House website, the Obama Administration identified its top cyber security priorities. Among them: identifying high value information and assets on government networks, responding to cyber incidents in a timely manner and finding and keeping qualified information security staff. Its a list that one leading security expert says sounds worryingly familiar to earlier federal nostrums.
Splinternet? Many Paths In Wake of Safe Harbor Ruling – None Easy
In-brief: An EU Court’s ruling invalidating a 15 year old safe harbor agreement between the US and EU leaves companies with a myriad of choices about how to respond – none of them good.
With Executive Order, Cyber Criminals Join Terrorists, Traffickers on Sanctions List
In-brief: An Executive Order signed by President Obama on Wednesday will clear the way for cyber criminals to face the same sanctions as terrorist groups, illegal arms dealers and drug traffickers. One expert called the Order “momentous.”