
pharma data breach

Security Teams Lean Into AI As Cyber Worker Shortage Persists

Cybersecurity teams are turning to artificial intelligence to cover a gap in skilled cyber talent, a report from Code42 finds.


Spotlight: Securing the Great Resignation with Code 42

Mark Wojtasiak, the Vice President of Security Industry research at Code42 joins us to talk about how companies can handle the security risks that accompany the COVID-inspired “great resignation” in corporate America.

Episode 176: Security Alarms in Census II Open Source Audit. Also: The New Face of Insider Threats with Code42

Joe Payne the CEO of Code42 joins us to talk about how the challenge of data breach prevention is changing. And: we do a deep dive on the recent Census II audit of open source.

Girl Scouts Selfie

Podcast Episode 137 Sponsored by Code42: GirlScouts to the Rescue and Rethinking Enterprise DLP

In this week’s episode (#137): Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Chief Information Security Officer Elizabeth Joyce joins us to talk about HPE’s collaboration with Girl Scouts of America to bolster teenagers cyber security chops and encourage more young women to explore cyber security as a profession. Also: we talk with Vijay Ramanathan about the evolving need for DLP.