Month: May 2015

FDA Safety Advisory Warns of Cyber Risk of Drug Pumps

In-brief: In what may be a first, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Safety Communication regarding vulnerabilities in a drug infusion pump by the firm Hospira.

Samsung’s Pitch for ARTIK IoT Platform Emphasizes Security

In-brief: Samsung introduced its ARTIK development boards, which offer advanced security features and integration with Arduino as a way to lure IoT developers to the platform. 

Third World Problem: Bot Herders Target Home Routers In Developing Nations

In-brief: A new global botnet is built on lightly secured home broadband routers in developing nations, according to a report from the firm Incapsula. 

Cyber Insurance: Triumph of the Accountants?

In-brief: Rapid advancement in the market for cyber insurance is poised to transform a cyber security market based on FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) to one based on hard numbers and risk. Consider yourself warned!

DEFCON - Modding Stuff

DEFCON To Host IoT Hacking Village

The Internet of Things has arrived – at least insofar as the hacker underground is concerned. The IoT is getting its own Village at DefCon. Sure, it’s been easy enough to see for a while that hacking “stuff” was what all the cool kids were doing, whether you were talking about Barnaby Jack’s “Jackpotting ATMs” presentation or the research on telematics systems by folks like Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek. But the creation of a dedicated “IoT Village” at the show, alongside staples like the Lockpick Village, the Wireless Village and the Packet Hacking Village (aka “The Wall of Sheep”) establishes Internet of Things hacking as a major new “vertical” within the diverse and fast-evolving hacking subculture. [Read more Security Ledger coverage of hacking the Internet of Things.]   Villages are dedicated areas of the DEFCON conference where attendees can converge to view demonstrations and take part in hands on lessons […]