Tag: FTP

Update: Plumbing Facebook, Researcher Finds Hole In Secure File Transfer Platform

Updated to include response from Accellion. 1/9/2013 A security researcher who was looking for vulnerabilities in Facebook’s platform instead stumbled on a much larger hole that could affect scores of firms who rely on a secure file transfer platform from Accellion. Writing on his blog on Monday, Israeli researcher Nir Goldshlager said he uncovered a security hole affecting Accellion’s Secure File Transfer service that could allow an attacker to take control of a user’s Secure File Transfer account with little more than the e-mail address associated with the account. Accellion Secure File Transfer is a service that allows enterprises to offer secure transfer and storage of large files (up to 100GB). In contrast to consumer-focused services like DropBox, Accellion offers comprehensive file tracking and reporting as well as data security features necessary to satisfy government regulations like HIPAA, GLBA, and SOX. Secure File Transfer is offered to companies as a private cloud, public […]