Tag: encryption

ROCA Crypto Flaw could have big Impact on Internet of Things

With no simple way to patch affected systems, the security vulnerability in Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chipsets made by the firm Infineon may be with us for years to come, security experts warn.

In Boston, Deputy AG Rosenstein picks up call for Encryption Back Doors

US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein used a speech in Boston to criticize the technology industry’s use of strong encryption which he called “warrant proof,” even as he said law enforcement had no issue with its use. 

A Year Later: FDA approves Software Fix for Security Flaws in Pacemakers

In-brief: The FDA as approved a software update to software security holes in pacemakers made by Abbott. But doctors and patients will have to weigh the risks of apply the patch. 

IoT’s Cloud Risk on Display with Flaws in Fuze Collaboration Platform

In-brief: Rapid7 said it found a number of flaws that leaked data on users of collaboration technology by Fuze. In an increasingly common finding: poorly secured cloud resources, not the handsets, were the problem. 

Petya Malware is about wreaking Havoc, not collecting Ransom | The Register

In-brief: On Tuesday, a ransomware infection spread across Europe and even affected companies and systems as far away as the United States and Brazil. Iain Thomson at The Register breaks down the malware used in the attack, dubbed NotPetya because it disguises itself as the Petya ransomware, although in the end it seems it was designed to wreak havoc, not collect money.