Recognizing the persistent need for security to protect connected devices, industry leaders are collaborating through two separate efforts on Internet of Things (IoT) standards and guidelines to help combat the emerging IoT threat landscape.
Tag: Cisco
Cisco Talos: VPNFilter malware capable of stealing data, infecting IoT endpoints
Malware dubbed “VPNFilter” that initially targeted small-office, home routers and network-attached (NAS) storage boxes is spreading globally and affecting more devices than previously thought, extending its reach to endpoint Internet of Things (IoT) devices and into networks to which they are connected, Cisco Talos researchers said Wednesday.
Set Top Boxes To Surveillance: Cisco Aims To Be IoT’s 600lb Gorilla
Cisco Systems is one of the biggest ecosystem players with its eyes trained on the Internet of Things. This makes sense. After all, the company made its fortune selling the gear – routers and switches – that make the Internet hum, and that helped extend Internet connectivity to homes and businesses. Along the way, Cisco has been aggressive about acquiring new and promising technologies that promise to grow its top line. took some bad turns – unsuccessfully branching into consumer electronics in 2009 with the acquisition of Pure Digital, maker of the Flip camcorder, and Linksys, a maker of home networking gear, in 2003. The company discontinued the Flip product and sold Linksys to Belkin earlier this year amid a major corporate shake-up designed to re-focus the company. Now, with the next wave (Cisco calls it the 4th) of Internet connectivity upon us – namely: the “Internet of Things” (or […]