Solar Storm

cyber word cloud

Episode 240: As Stakes Grow, Cyber Policy Needs to “Shift Right”?

In this episode of the podcast (#240) Lauren Zabierek, the Executive Director for the Cyber Project at the Belfer Center at Harvard’s Kennedy School joins us to talk about the need for a re-think of national cybersecurity preparedness, as major hacks like the attack on Colonial Pipeline put the focus on resilience and public safety.

Digital Signature Concept

Episode 216: Signed, Sealed and Delivered: The Future of Supply Chain Security

In this episode of the podcast
(#216) we talk with Brian Trzupek, Digicert’s Vice President of Product, about the growing urgency of securing software supply chains, and how digital code signing can help prevent compromises like the recent hack of the firm SolarWinds.

AdobeStock Transparency Concept

Episode 210: Moving The Goal Posts On Vendor Transparency: A Conversation With Intel’s Suzy Greenberg

In this episode of the podcast, Paul speaks with Intel Vice President Suzy Greenberg about a new survey by the Poneman Institute that shows how customers’ expectations are changing when it comes to vendor transparency about software vulnerabilities.

President Joseph Biden - Cyber

Episode 202: The Byte Stops Here – Biden’s Cyber Agenda

Even before Solar Storm, Joe Biden had made it clear that a cyber security reset was needed. But what will that reset look like? To understand a bit better what might be in store in the months ahead we devoted this episode of the podcast to interviewing three experts on federal IT security and cyber defense.