Why digital certificates are critical to 5G security

As 5G gains traction, service providers need to be able to trust their networks’ security to truly take advantage of 5G’s capabilities. Digital certificates are critical to that, writes Alexa Tahan of Nokia.

Spotlight: COVID, Cloud Sovereignty and Other 2022 Trends with DigiCert

What does 2022 have in store? Dean Coclin of DigiCert speaks with host Paul Roberts about the trends that will shape the New Year, from cloud sovereignty to the growing reliance on PKI to secure digital identities, DEVOPs and more.

Episode 230: Are Vaccine Passports Cyber Secure?

In this episode of the podcast (#230) Siddarth Adukia, a regional Director at NCC Group, joins host Paul Roberts to talk about the (cyber) risks and (public health) rewards of vaccine passport systems: how they work, how they can be compromised and what to do about it.

Spotlight: Automation Beckons as DevOps, IoT Drive PKI Explosion

Brian Trzupek of DigiCert joins Paul to talk about the findings of a recent State of PKI Automation survey and the challenges of managing fast-growing population of tens of thousands of PKI certificates.

Episode 216: Signed, Sealed and Delivered: The Future of Supply Chain Security

In this episode of the podcast
(#216) we talk with Brian Trzupek, Digicert’s Vice President of Product, about the growing urgency of securing software supply chains, and how digital code signing can help prevent compromises like the recent hack of the firm SolarWinds.