artificial intelligence

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Episode 245: How AI is remaking knowledge-based authentication

Six decades in, password use has tipped into the absurd, while two-factor authentication is showing its limits. We talk with Matt Salisbury of Honeybadger HQ, which is using AI and machine learning to re-imagine knowledge-based authentication.

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Spotting Hackers at the Pace of XDR – From Alerts to Incidents

Extended Detection and Response (XDR) technology is gaining traction within enterprises. But how can organizations handle the increased volume of alerts XDR systems produce? Samuel Jones, of cyber AI firm Stellar Cyber, discusses how embracing incident-based systems can reduce the analyst burden of XDR technology, enabling companies to spot and respond to attacks more quickly.

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Opinion: AI and Machine Learning will power both Cyber Offense and Defense in 2020

Artificial intelligence and machine learning hold great promise for both defenders and attackers, making it one of the most important security trends to follow in 2020, says Gerald Beuchelt, the CISO of LogMeIn.*

Opinion: The Perils and Promise of the Data Decade

We have entered the “Data Decade,” says RSA Security CTO Dr. Zulfikar Ramzan. What does that mean? Here are three “Data Decade” trends that will reshape how we talk about, approach, and manage data.

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Episode 166: But Why, AI? ZestAI’s Quest to make Artificial Intelligence Explainable

In this episode of the podcast (#166): Jay Budzik, the Chief Technology Officer at ZestAI, joins us to talk about that company’s push to make artificial intelligence decisions explainable and how his company’s technology is helping to root out synthetic identity fraud.