
Hybrid Work Scenes

Hybrid Work Is Here: Is Your Security Strategy Ready for It?

An “everywhere,” hybrid workforce is no longer concept, but reality. But securing hybrid workplaces requires big changes to how IT security gets done, argues Jason Lee, the CISO of Zoom in this Expert Insight.

Virus Detected Screen

The Future of Attack Surface Management: How to Prepare

Upwards of 70% of organizations have been compromised because of an unknown, unmanaged, or mismanaged visible asset. Improving your Attack Surface Management capabilities is critical, says David Monnier, a Fellow at Team Cymru.

How Vulnerability Management Has Evolved And Where It’s Headed Next

The blocking and tackling work of scan management is becoming a commodity, writes Lisa Xu, the CEO of NopSec in this Expert Insight. What organizations need now is complete visibility of their IT infrastructure and business applications.


The Concerning Statistics About Mental Health in Cybersecurity

Are cyber professionals as good at protecting their mental health as their IT environments? Thomas Kinsella, COO of Tines, talks about the worrying mental health statistics in cyber and how to protect your team.

Identity Fraud: The New Corporate Battleground

The pandemic accelerated the migration to digital services, with millions of U.S. consumers turning to the internet for everything from medical care to shopping and banking. But as consumers increasingly move their transactions online, criminals enjoy a landscape ripe for identity fraud, John Buzzard of Javelin Strategy writes in this Expert Insight.