
Hosted by Paul Roberts, The Security Ledger podcast features interviews with leading minds in the area of cyber security, threats and attacks. The Security Ledger is an independent security news website that explores the intersection of cyber security with business, commerce, politics and everyday life. Security Ledger provides well-reported and context-rich news and opinion about computer security topics that matter in our IP-enabled homes, workplaces and daily lives.

Niels Provos/Activ8te

Episode 255: EDM, Meet CDM – Cyber Dance Music with Niels Provos

In this episode of The Security Ledger Podcast (#255) host Paul Roberts interviews Niels Provos of Lacework about his mission to use EDM to teach people about cybersecurity.

Robot Vacuum Liberation

Episode 254: Dennis Giese’s Revolutionary Robot Vacuum Liberation Movement

Security researcher and IoT hacker Dennis Giese talks about his mission to liberate robot vacuums from the control of their manufacturers, letting owners tinker with their own devices and – importantly – control the data they collect about our most intimate surroundings.

Spotlight Podcast: RADICL Is Coming To The Rescue Of Defense SMBs

In this Spotlight Security Ledger podcast, Chris Petersen, the CEO and founder of RADICL, talks about his company’s mission to protect small and midsized businesses serving the defense industrial base, which are increasingly in the cross-hairs of sophisticated, nation-state actors.

Photo by RealToughCandy.com: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-a-sticker-11035393/

Episode 253: DevSecOps Worst Practices With Tanya Janca of We Hack Purple

Tanya Janca of the group We Hack Purple, talks with Security Ledger host Paul Roberts about the biggest security mistakes that DevSecOps teams make, and application development’s “tragedy of the commons,” as more and more development teams lean on open source code.

Oven Check

Episode 252: Colin O’Flynn On Hacking An Oven To Make It Stop Lying

In this episode of the podcast, host Paul Roberts speaks with Colin O’Flynn, CTO and founder of the firm NewAE about his work to patch shoddy software on his home’s electric oven – and the bigger questions about owners rights to fix, tinker with or replace the software that powers their connected stuff.