A serious flaw in Zoom’s Keybase secure chat application left copies of images contained in secure communications on Keybase users’ computers after they were supposedly deleted.
Episode 188: Flock Safety Flies in Surveillance Technology’s Gray Zone
In this episode of the Security Ledger Podcast (#188), sponsored* by LastPass, we take a look at the fast-expanding world of crowdsourced surveillance by doing a deep dive on Flock Safety, a start up that sells inexpensive license plate scanners to homeowners and police departments. Also: users know that password security is important…but they can’t seem to change their insecure behavior. In our second segment, We talk about why with Katie Petrillo of LogMeIn and LastPass.
Book argues for New Laws to break Social Media Monopolies
The US economy hasn’t simply allowed tech giants to ignore the social harms of their platforms; it has incentivized it. In his new book, Terms of Disservice, Dipayan Ghosh says regulation may be the only solution.
Spotlight Podcast: Two Decades On TCG Tackles Trustworthiness For The Internet of Things
In this Spotlight Podcast Intel Fellow Claire Vishik joins us to talk about the evolving concept of online “trust.” Vishik is a TCG Director and spent 14 years as the Director of Trusted Technologies at Intel.
Episode 185: Attacking COVID, Protecting Privacy
In this episode of the podcast (#185), DigiCert Chief Technology Officer Jason Sabin joins us to talk about how the COVID epidemic is shining a spotlight on the need for strong digital identities – for everything from virus contact tracing to remote work.