Voice based interfaces are growing in popularity, complexity and influence. But securing these interfaces has, thus far, been an afterthought. If we are destined to interact with the smart systems around us using our voice, how exactly will we manage to authenticate to those devices? In this podcast we speak with Ben Rafferty of the firm Semafone about the challenges of securing voice-based systems. Semafone won the recent PAYMNTS.com Voice Challenge with a way to use Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant as an out of band authentication mechanism.
voice assistants
EFF Seeks Right to Jailbreak Alexa, Voice Assistants
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is asking the Library of Congress to give owners of voice assistant devices like Amazon’s Echo, Google Home and other voice assistants the right to “jailbreak” the devices: freeing them from content control features designed to prevent users from running unauthorized code on those platforms.