In-brief: Thousands of clinical systems are exposed to remote attacks according to researchers, who say that poorly designed and loosely configured medical devices are a major source of insecurity.
infusion pump
The Internet of Things is entering a Post-Recall Reality
In-brief: Security, personal safety, privacy and policy are converging in what might be called a “post recall reality” for the Internet of Things. How to respond will be a key issue as top researchers and policymakers gather in Cambridge next week for The Security of Things Forum.
FDA Safety Advisory Warns of Cyber Risk of Drug Pumps
In-brief: In what may be a first, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a Safety Communication regarding vulnerabilities in a drug infusion pump by the firm Hospira.
Researcher: Drug Pump the ‘Least Secure IP Device I’ve Ever Seen’
In-brief: A researcher studying the workings of a wireless-enabled drug infusion pump by the firm Hospira said the device utterly lacked security controls, making it “the least secure IP enabled device” he had ever worked with. His research prompted a warning from the Department of Homeland Security.
Drug Pumps Vulnerable to trivial Hacks, DHS warns
In-brief: The Department of Homeland Security warned that drug infusion pump management software sold by Hospira contains serious and exploitable vulnerabilities that could be used to remotely take control of the devices.