In this episode of the podcast (#234) US Representative Jim Langevin (D-RI), joins Paul to talk about the flurry of legislation passed on Capitol Hill in recent months to boost the U.S.’s cyber defenses.
Episode 224: Engineering Trust In The Cyber Executive Order
In this spotlight edition of the podcast, sponsored by Trusted Computing Group* Thomas Hardjono and Henk Birkholz join us to talk about President Biden’s Cyber Executive Order and how the EO’s call for increasing trust in federal IT systems is creating demand for TCG technologies
Episode 222: US Rep. Himes on Congress’s About-face on Cybersecurity
In this week’s podcast, we speak with Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT) about Congress’s sudden focus on cybersecurity – an about face that Rep. Himes says was encouraged by the devastating Colonial Pipeline hack.
Episode 206: What Might A Federal Data Privacy Law Mean In the US?
With movement towards passage of a federal data privacy law stronger than ever, we invite two experts in to the Security Ledger studio to talk about what that might mean for U.S. residents and businesses: Stacey Gray, who is a Senior Counsel at the Future of Privacy Forum and Rehan Jalil, the CEO of
Book argues for New Laws to break Social Media Monopolies
The US economy hasn’t simply allowed tech giants to ignore the social harms of their platforms; it has incentivized it. In his new book, Terms of Disservice, Dipayan Ghosh says regulation may be the only solution.