Biden Administration

President Joe Biden Signs Executive Order

Episode 224: Engineering Trust In The Cyber Executive Order

In this spotlight edition of the podcast, sponsored by Trusted Computing Group* Thomas Hardjono and Henk Birkholz join us to talk about President Biden’s Cyber Executive Order and how the EO’s call for increasing trust in federal IT systems is creating demand for TCG technologies

China Intellectual Property Theft

Episode 221: Biden Unmasked APT 40. But Does It Matter?

Andrew Sellers, the Chief Technology Officer at QOMPLX joins us to unpack the revelations this week about APT 40, the Chinese group that the US has accused of a string of attacks aimed at stealing sensitive trade secrets. Also: is Salesforce the next SolarWinds

Public and Private Gears

Episode 206: What Might A Federal Data Privacy Law Mean In the US?

With movement towards passage of a federal data privacy law stronger than ever, we invite two experts in to the Security Ledger studio to talk about what that might mean for U.S. residents and businesses: Stacey Gray, who is a Senior Counsel at the Future of Privacy Forum and Rehan Jalil, the CEO of

President Joseph Biden - Cyber

Episode 202: The Byte Stops Here – Biden’s Cyber Agenda

Even before Solar Storm, Joe Biden had made it clear that a cyber security reset was needed. But what will that reset look like? To understand a bit better what might be in store in the months ahead we devoted this episode of the podcast to interviewing three experts on federal IT security and cyber defense.