Ponemon Institute

Report: Companies Still Grappling with IoT Security

Data breaches relating to unsecured Internet of Things devices have jumped by more than 10 percent since 2017, suggesting security efforts aren’t keeping pace with the growth of the Internet of Things, a new study finds.

Survey: Risk Management Pros Fear Internet of Things

In-brief: Risk professionals expect a “catastrophic” security incident within the next 24 months that stems from insecure Internet of Things devices, a survey by The Ponemon Institute found. 

On Data Breaches: Is Our Employees Learning?

In-brief: companies are doing a poor job of educating employees to prevent inadvertent data breaches and spot malicious insider activity, despite the stakes. 


The Cost of Phishing? More than you think!

In-brief: A report from the Ponemon Institute puts the annual cost of phishing attacks at $300,000, much of it due to lost productivity. Can that number be believed? It’s hard to know.

From Beijing with Love: Healthcare Firms Confront Foreign Adversaries

In-brief: Reports say that the attack on Anthem health may have roots in China. If so, it would be the latest evidence that sophisticated, overseas hacking crews have turned their attention to healthcare providers.