Episode 169: Ransomware comes to the Enterprise with PureLocker

In this episode of the podcast, sponsored by PureVPN, Michael Kajiloti of the firm Intezer Labs joins us to talk about the origins and makeup of PureLocker, a new family of ransomware designed to target production servers in the enterprise.

Podcast Episode 111: Click Here to Kill Everybody and CyberSN on Why Security Talent Walks

In this week’s podcast (episode #111), sponsored by CyberSN: what happens when the Internet gets physical? Noted author and IBM security guru Bruce Schneier joins us to talk about his new book on Internet of Things risk: Click Here to Kill Everybody. Also: everyone knows that cyber security talent is hard to come by, and even harder to keep. But why does precious cyber talent walk? In our second segment, we’re joined by Deidre Diamond of cyber security placement firm CyberSN, who has all the answers.

Tech Giants Team Up On Ethics for Artificial Intelligence | The New York Times

In-brief: Alphabet, IBM, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon are teaming to pioneer ethical guidelines for artificial intelligence, the New York Times reported.

Nokia: Security, Scale Give IMPACT IoT Platform An Edge

In-brief: After a fall from grace in the mobile handset business, Nokia is betting that its ability to do scale and security will help its Impact IoT platform best a crowded field. We speak with Rajesh Kashawa, head of Nokia’s Internet of Things Business Unit. 

IBM Tweaking Watson AI For Cyber Security Analysis

In-brief: IBM said that a new, cloud-based version of its Watson cognitive technology is being trained to help detect cyber attacks and cyber crimes.