
Spotlight Podcast: Arctic Wolf on Nurturing Talent for the Evolved SOC

In this Spotlight Podcast, sponsored by Arctic Wolf Networks: sessions at this month’s Black Hat Briefings on PTSD and substance abuse among security workers are proof that the high pressure, high stakes world of information security can take its toll. So what  does it take to find, train and nurture information security pros? Sam McLane, the Chief Technology Services Officer at the firm Arctic Wolf Networks joins us to talk about how his company holds on to top security talent. 

HBR: Security, Privacy will Make or Break Companies on IoT

In-brief: a new report out from Harvard Business School that looks at the business impact of Internet of Things technologies cautions that security and privacy concerns can’t be ignored but will, instead, be an important differentiator for consumers. 

Do Companies Need a Chief IoT Officer? | VentureBeat

In-brief: An article on the web site makes the case for a Chief Internet of Things Officer to manage adoption of new technologies. But are companies ready for a CIoT?