In this episode of the podcast (#234) US Representative Jim Langevin (D-RI), joins Paul to talk about the flurry of legislation passed on Capitol Hill in recent months to boost the U.S.’s cyber defenses.
electrical grid
Episode 162: Have We missed Electric Grid Cyber Attacks for Years? Also: Breaking Bad Security Habits
In this episode of the podcast #162: according to the non profit that oversees it, the first disruptive hack of the U.S. grid happened in March of this year. Our guest, Joe Weiss, said it really happened more than a decade ago and that hundreds more like it have been overlooked or mis-classified. Also: Rachel Stockton of the firm LastPass* joins us to talk about changing users troublesome password behavior to make companies more secure.
Updated: Secrecy Reigns as NERC Fines Utilities $10M citing Serious Cyber Risks
The North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC) imposed its stiffest fine to date for violations of Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) regulations, citing scores of violations. But who violated the standards and much of what the agency found remains secret.
Report: Nation-Backed Hackers Hit Industrial Emergency Shutdown System
Hackers believed to be affiliated with a nation-state hacked into emergency shutdown systems at a facility in the Middle East. The attack seemed intended to “cause a high-impact attack with physical consequences,” according to reports from a number of cyber security firms.
FBI and Homeland Security dish Dirt on Critical Infrastructure Attacks
A new joint FBI-DHS report dishes the dirt on recent sophisticated attacks targeting the US energy grid and critical infrastructure, saying third party firms and web sites to gain access to energy and other critical infrastructure networks. It also names a sophisticated hacking group believed to be linked to the government of Russia.