Better Web Application Security in 14 Steps

In-brief:In-brief: In this, the last in a three-part series on REST API, Neeraj Khandelwal of Barracuda Networks examines how web application security design can help secure REST APIs and provides tips for securing web applications. You can read Neeraj’s previous posts (here and here).

The Challenge of Securing REST APIs

  In-brief: RESTful application program interfaces (APIs) are a key ingredient to building powerful, scalable web-based applications. But they can also open the door to web-based attacks, while also baffling traditional penetration testing tools and processes. In this article, Barracuda’s Neeraj Khandelwal explains why.

Opinion: Gaping Holes in Security of APIs

In-brief: In this, the first in a three-part series on REST API, Neeraj Khandelwal of Barracuda Networks discusses the growing importance of application program interfaces to business success, and how API insecurity poses a significant and under-appreciated risk to businesses.