Tag: patching

The Security Ledger podcast

After Equifax: What Makes a Good CSO? Also: App Sec is a Mess. We Talk about Why.

What makes a good CSO? In the wake of the Equifax breach, we talk about the controversy over that company’s CSO’s music degree. Also: we talk with Signal Sciences about why companies keep getting hacked via application vulnerabilities like the Apache Struts hole that felled Equifax.

Equifax Executives Depart Amid Growing Backlash

In-brief: Equifax said on Friday that its Chief Information Officer and Chief Security Officer had “retired” in the wake of a massive data breach that leaked sensitive on some 143 million people. 

Bluetooth Flaw affects Billions of Devices and has a Name: BlueBorne

In-brief: Dubbed BlueBorne, the flaw could affect billions of devices that use the Bluetooth wireless protocol, enabling remote hacks, the security firm Armis warned. 

A Year Later: FDA approves Software Fix for Security Flaws in Pacemakers

In-brief: The FDA as approved a software update to software security holes in pacemakers made by Abbott. But doctors and patients will have to weigh the risks of apply the patch. 

Analysis: there is both Means and Motive for Cyber Attacks on Navy Vessels

In-brief: could cyber attacks have played a role in recent collisions between US Navy vessels and commercial ships? The short answer is yes. Regardless of what caused the most recent incidents, both the means and the motive exist to launch such attacks in the future.