In-brief: A hard coded firmware password could provide remote hackers with access to a wide range of home broadband routers, underscoring the risk posed by shared hardware and software, according to an alert from Carnegie Mellon University’s CERT this week.
Opinion: Toppling the IoT’s Tower of Babel
The five most feared words in the IT support person’s vocabulary are “This. Page. Can’t. Be. Displayed.” And yet, the growth of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based enterprises in the past eight years means that these dreaded words show up more and more, as services from different developers and vendors are consumed by larger, up stream platforms and and integrated to provide new capabilities. In this kind of environment, “This Page Can’t Be Displayed” is a cry for help: the first indication of a problem. For enterprise support personnel, that message is often the first step in a long journey complete with Sherlock Holmes-style sleuthing to try to find which service along an orchestrated chain is the bad actor. And, unfortunately, when an application is being attacked or gets hacked, support personnel may not even have an error message to go on. In both cases, the major roadblock for support and incident response staff is that application developers or development […]
How The UK’s HACIENDA Program Targeted Entire Countries
The folks over at Heise/c’t Magazin revealed leaked, classified documents to report on HACIENDA, a GCHQ program to deliver country-wide Internet reconnaissance for so-called “five eyes” nations, including the US (NSA), Canada and Australia. And, as Bruce Schneier points out – its not clear that these documents were from Edward Snowden’s trove of classified NSA materials. HACIENDA involves the large-scale use of TCP “port” scans to profile systems connected to the Internet, in addition to profiling of enabled applications. According to Heise, which published a classified slide deck. GCHQ claimed to have canvassed 27 countries through the program. A list of targeted services includes ubiquitous public services such as HTTP and FTP, SSH (Secure Shell protocol) and SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). The Heise report, prepared by Julian Kirsch, Christian Grothoff, Monika Ermert, Jacob Appelbaum, Laura Poitras and Henrik Moltke claim that HACIENDA’s goal was to perform active collection and map vulnerable services across […]
Infographic: A Heartbleed Disclosure Timeline (Secunia)
The dangerous security hole in OpenSSL known as “Heartbleed” has (mostly) faded from the headlines, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t still dangerous. As this blog has noted, the Heartbleed vulnerability was patched quickly on major platforms like Apache and nginx and by high profile service providers like Google and Facebook. But it still has a long tail of web applications that aren’t high risk (i.e. directly reachable via the Internet) and embedded devices that use OpenSSL or its various components. As the folks over at Acunetix note in a blog post today, hundreds of other services, application software and operating systems make use of OpenSSL for purposes that might be entirely unrelated to delivering pages over HTTPS. This includes all the email servers (using SMTP, POP and IMAP protocols), FTP servers, chat servers (XMPP protocol), virtual private networks (SSL VPNs), and network appliances that use OpenSSL or its components. The number of systems vulnerable to […]
Akamai: New DoS Tool Leads To Resurgence of SNMP Attacks
The security firm Akamai issued an advisory to customers on Thursday warning that a new software tool for managing distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks was leading to a resurgence in large-scale attacks that use Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traffic to overwhelm web sites. The Threat Advisory (reg wall) was issued by Akamai’s Prolexic Security Engineering and Response Team (or PLXsert). According to the advisory, Akamai began noticing a resurgence in DDoS attacks using SNMP on April 11. The company said that firms in industry verticals including consumer goods, gaming, online hosting and Software-as-a-Service and non-profits had all been targeted. [Read more Security Ledger coverage of DDoS attacks here.] The company has identified new- and updated tools in the cyber underground, including one dubbed SNMP Reflector – that are enabling the attacks. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a protocol that is used for managing devices on a network including […]