
Silent Epidemic: Data Theft has become a Public Health Crisis | Digital Guardian

In-brief: One in four Americans was the victim of data theft, but policy makers can’t find the spirit to act. What if I said that there was a disease that affected one in four adults in the U.S.? This disease caused pain and hardship and the costs of curing it were considerable – ranging to thousands of dollars per patient? And, again: one in four people contacted this disease – 25% of the adult population?Most epidemiologists would consider a disease that widely spread to be an “epidemic.” After all, the CDC considers an influenza outbreak to be an “epidemic” when around 7% of morbidity (deaths) in a given observation period are due to the flu. Here in the U.S., however, there’s a long-standing affliction bearing down on a quarter of the population, but nary a mention of the words “epidemic.” In fact, officials who monitor this disease are loath to […]

Surveillance Technology Vendor Cellebrite Has Customer Data Stolen

In-brief: Cellebrite, an Israeli firm that sells mobile phone forensic tools, was the victim of a hack that stole information on customers – many of them law enforcement agencies and governments.

Sign Up with the Usual Suspects: Consumer Breach Response is Broken and How to Fix It | Digital Guardian

In-brief:The scourge of data breaches and identity theft is more than a decade old. But our tools for dealing with these common incidents are outdated and ineffective. Why? (Editor’s note: this blog post has been cross posted from Digital Guardian’s blog, where you can read it in its entirety.) 

Report: Fear of Govt. has Valley Kicking Data Addiction

In-brief: Fear of government surveillance and data theft is forcing Silicon Valley firms to rethink their taste for data acquisition, The Washington Post reports.

Opinion: What Makes IoT Security So Hard?

In-brief: What makes IoT security so hard for these companies? Exosite Chief Technology Officer Mark Benson has identified four, important factors to consider and address.