In this episode of the podcast, host Paul Roberts speaks with Colin O’Flynn, CTO and founder of the firm NewAE about his work to patch shoddy software on his home’s electric oven – and the bigger questions about owners rights to fix, tinker with or replace the software that powers their connected stuff.
What SolarWinds Tells Us About Securing the Software Development Supply Chain
The recent SolarWinds attack highlights an Achilles heel for enterprises: software updates for critical enterprise applications. Digital signing of code is one solution, but organizations need to modernize their code signing processes to prioritize security and integrity and align with DevOps best practices, writes Brian Trzupek the Senior Vice President of Products at DigiCert in this thought leadership article.
Expert: Patch Bluekeep Now or Face WannaCry Scenario
The flaw known as BlueKeep could be as dangerous as EternalBlue, the basis of recent malware like WannaCry, according to a report by BitSight.
Spotlight: as Attacks Mount, how to secure the Industrial Internet
In this spotlight edition* of The Security Ledger Podcast, Steve Hanna of Infineon joins us to talk about the growing risk of cyber attacks on industrial systems and critical infrastructure. “Industry 4.0” is poised to transform the global economy, Hanna said, but not if the issue of cyber risk can’t be managed. We talk about how that might be done and the need for strong identity and hardware based roots of trust!
Cisco warns of Internet of Things, Supply Chain Risk
Cisco Systems warned that companies need to do a better job monitoring IoT devices and third party software providers, as Internet of Things based botnets and supply chain attacks become more common.