Priscilla Moriuchi of Recorded Future joins us once again in the Security Ledger studios to talk about the findings of two major reports released this week on Russia’s online campaigns and how disinformation operations by foreign governments may be the “new normal.”
Securing the Election
With the 2020 Presidential election looming in the United States, malicious actors, nation states and cybercrime gangs are lining up to take a swing at elections systems and infrastructure. We interview some of the world’s top cybersecurity experts to find out.
Podcast Episode 113: SAP CSO Justin Somaini and Election Hacks – No Voting Machines Required!
Everybody worries about hacked voting machines. But an exercise in Boston last week showed how hackers can compromise the vote without ever touching an election system. Also: October is just around the corner and that means Cyber Security Awareness Month is upon us. So what are top cyber security professionals “aware of” these days? We talk with Justin Somaini the Chief Security Officer at SAP to find out.