The good news? John Deere bricked expensive farm equipment taken by thieving Russian troops. The bad news: those same remote access features could be used to launch crippling, large scale attacks on US farms.
right to repair
Episode 187: Filtergate is DRM for Water
In this episode of the podcast (#187), sponsored by Virsec, we talk with journalist and author Cory Doctorow of about the recent GE Filtergate incident and how DRM is invading our homes. Also, Satya Gupta the Chief Technology Officer of the firm VirSec joins us to talk about how application runtime monitoring is gaining traction in the age of DevSecOps and left-shifted security.
Episode 184: Project BioMed – The Fight to Repair Medical Devices
In this episode of the podcast (#184) Kyle Wiens of iFixit joins us to talk about Project BioMed: an international, crowd-sourced effort to expedite repair of medical devices by making service and repair manuals available online. In our second segment, we speak with Jonathan Krones, one of an army of volunteer engineers, archivists and librarians who took on the task of cataloguing medical device repair information.
Episode 160 Right to Repair’s Summer of Love – Sort of.
call it Right to Repair’s “Summer of Love.” Summer 2019 saw developments on a number of fronts in the nation-wide battle to win a digital right to repair. In this podcast, we talk with Nathan Proctor of US PIRG’s Right to Repair campaign and Kyle Wiens of iFixit about the developments.
Digital Right to Repair Movement seeks Allies at DEF CON
A grass roots movement to win a legal right to repair digital devices arrived at DEF CON in Las Vegas on Saturday with a message for an estimated 30,000 attendees: ‘fight for repair.’